Updated Policies & Procedures
Hello Paddlers.
Updated May 2021: We continue to take the COVID-19 pandemic very seriously and worked hard to develop and implement new policies and procedures in the 2020 season. We feel confident in our endeavor to continue to provide clean, safe and efficient protocals and look forward to welcoming you to MKC again in 2021. If you ever have any questions or comments, please reach out by phone or email. Thanks!
Below is a snapshot highlighting our new and existing procedures:
- Daily rental reservations limited to 16 people per every half-hour
- Weekly Guided Tours will be limited to 18 participants + MKC staff
- “Morning Sunshine Guided Paddles” (7am-8:30am) limited to 6 participants + MKC staff
- “Mid-Day Guided Paddles” (11:30am-1:30pm) limited to 6 participants + MKC staff
- Online reservations and payment
- Waivers are digital (Smartwaiver) – no pen/paper
- Sanitizer throughout MKC: 70% alcohol-based sourced from Lakefront Brewery
- We operate 99% outdoors
- We encourage 6′ social distancing
- All life jackets and paddles are sanitized after each use
- Dedicated “Sanitizing Station” for life jackets and dry bags
- All boats (kayaks, canoes and paddleboards) are disinfected and/or sanitized after each use
- All MKC staff wear masks and may wear gloves
- MKC staff area is flagged off and used specifically for staff only
- There is ample waiting room in the boatyard near MKC for participants
- New way-finding signs to help direct and answer questions before check-in
- New kayak dock and self-service launch is amazing. We are always available to assist but this option has been working well – so exciting!
If you have any comments, questions or suggestions, please give us a call or send an email anytime.
Thanks for your continued support. We look forward to seeing you at MKC soon!
- Beth and #teamMKC